The 19th Annual Wisdom Steps Celebration and Conference was hosted by the Mille Lacs Band at Grand Casino Hinckley June 18-20.
The event kicked off on Tuesday evening, June 18, with registration, beading, the moccasin game, a talking circle on grandparenting, and bingo.
Wednesday morning featured an opening ceremony and posting of tribal flags with Timber Trails drum group, followed by an invocation by Joe Nayquonabe Sr. and a welcoming ad- dress by Chief Executive Melanie Benjamin. The remainder of the day was spent in workshops on topics like human traffick- ing, suicide prevention, dementia, home care, Elder abuse, and traditional lotions.
Wednesday afternoon’s keynote was delivered by motivational speaker James Anderson, and the evening entertainment featured Elvis impersonator Chris Olson. The event concluded on Thursday morning with a Wisdom Steps walk with Band member Bobby Anderson and presentation of awards by Renee Bruneau, followed by the closing ceremony.
The Wisdom Steps Golf Tournament is September 6 at Black Bear Golf course in Carlton. Registration is at 9 a.m. with a shotgun start at 10. Cost is $400 for a four-person team. Golfers and sponsors are welcome! See wisdomsteps.org or email barb38eta@gmail.com for more information.
What Is Wisdom Steps?
Wisdom Steps invites Tribal Elders to participate in activities that build their health. Wisdom Steps began in Minnesota in 1999. Wisdom Steps is a partnership among the eleven Minnesota Indian tribes, three urban areas (Minneapolis/St. Paul, Duluth, and Bemidji), and the Minnesota Board on Aging.
Wisdom Steps encourages elders to take simple steps toward better health. Activities such as participating in health screenings, attending a health education class, or enjoying a healthy living activity are promoted. Elders learn that the path to health is easy and can be walked by visiting with a physician and setting a personal health goal like losing weight or stopping smoking.
For more information, go to wisdomsteps.org or email info@wisdomsteps.org.
Next year’s conference will be held the third week of June at Black Bear Resort and Casino.