The Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) is sponsoring a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Certification Course December 10-12 at Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Casino and Resort in Baraga, Michigan.
This training is for fishermen, processors, regulatory personnel, and others to identify and evaluate food safety risks, learn seafood rules and regulations, and how to develop a HACCP plan for the safe handling and processing, including smoking and freezing, of seafood and seafood products, including treaty harvested fish, that will be sold commercially. After completing the three-day course, participants will receive a HACCP Certification from the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO).
To register, contact Owen Schwartz 715-685-2147 or by Nov. 19th
To reserve a hotel room, contact Zoongee Leith-Mayotte at 715-685-2138 or by Nov. 19th.
GLIFWC will pay the $135 HACCP Registration fee (which includes the course book), provide hotel rooms, and food and mileage reimbursements* for the following qualified participants:
•Any Lake Superior commercial fisherman licensed by Red Cliff, Bad River, KeweenawBay or Bay Mills.
•Adult family members of any Red Cliff, Bad River, Keweenaw Bay or Bay Millslicensed fisherman currently working at a family's fish shop.
•Any enrolled member from any GLIFWC member tribe (i.e. enrolled members of Fonddu Lac, Mille Lacs, Red Cliff, Bad River, St. Croix, Lac Courte Oreilles, Lac duFlambeau, Sokaogon, Lac Vieux Desert, Keweenaw Bay, and Bay Mills). This includessubsistence fishermen and those active in harvesting and processing fish.
•If monies are available after the reimbursement of tribal fishermen and members, thecosts for Tribal fisheries and conservation staff of GLIFWC member tribes may also becovered.
Participants must attend all three days to obtain the HACCP certificate and have their travel costs reimbursed by GLIFWC. *After participants complete the three-day class, they will sign a GLIFWC travel form for mileage and per diem (meals) reimbursement based on Federal GSA rates. Reimbursements will be mailed to participants after being processed by GLIFWC’s accounting office.