Seven Nay Ah Shing seniors made their families, friends, teachers — and themselves — proud on June 6 as they donned caps and gowns and marched through the cheering crowd to receive their diplomas.
A song by Little Otter and invocation by Waabishkigaabaw started things off in a good way. Chief Executive Melanie Ben- jamin welcomed the graduates, Commissioner of Education Rick St. Germaine shared memories and inspiration, and the graduates impressed the audience with their Ojibwe language
skill and gave blankets to loved ones.
School Board Chair Kim Kegg and Principal Noah Johnson presented the graduates with their diplomas, and the school nutritional staff served up a wonderful dinner for all in attendance.
Congratulations to Nay Ah Shing graduates and all oth- ers who received a diploma this year. You make us all proud, and we wish you the best as you continue your education and career!