Constitution, Statutes and Policies
The Mille Lacs Band is a federally recognized, sovereign constituent band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. At the core of tribal sovereignty is the power to make and enforce laws within tribal jurisdiction. Accordingly, the Band has statutes and ordinances that define its laws and the authority of each branch of government.
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Constitution and Bylaws
Read more about the MCT Constitution and Bylaws, including Ordinances and Interpretations, at the MCT Website.
For information on the ongoing MCT Constitutional Convention meetings, see Constitutional Convention Information.
Mille Lacs Band Statutes
- Preface
- Summary Table
- Section by Section Disposition of New Ordinances
- Constitution and Bylaws
- Title 1: Civil Rights Code
- Title 2: Band Governmental Power and Sovereignty
- Title 3: Legislative Branch
- Title 4: Executive Branch
- Title 5: Judicial Branch
- Title 6: Government Employees
- Title 7: Procurement
- Title 8: Children and Families
- Title 9: Education
- Title 10: Cultural Resources
- Title 11: Environment, Natural Resources, Animals and Plants
- Title 12: Housing
- Title 13: Utilities
- Title 14: Capital Improvements
- Title 15: Gaming Regulatory Act
- Title 16: Corporations
- Title 17: Banks and Banking
- Title 18: Commercial Practices
- Title 19: Motor Vehicles
- Title 20: Watercraft
- Title 21: Real and Personal Property
- Title 22: Taxation
- Title 23: Prohibited Drugs
- Title 24: Judicial Proceedings
- Title 25: Revisor of Statutes
- Title 26: Compensation of Elected Officials
- Title 27: Emergency Management
Certificates of Correctness
Title 5 Certificate of Correctness
Title 6 Certificate of Correctness
Title 9 Certificate of Correctness
Title 15 Certificate of Correctness
Title 16 Certificate of Correctness
Title 17 Certificate of Correctness
Title 18 Certificate of Correctness
Title 24 Certificate of Correctness
Title 25 Certificate of Correctness
Title 26 Certificate of Correctness
Title 27 Certificate of Correctness
Historical Documents
The following documents pertain to the history of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, which was created by the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.
48 Stat. 984 — Indian Reorganization Act
49 Stat. 378
1936 MCT Constitution
1938 MCT Corporate Charter
1963 Revised Constitution and Bylaws