By Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, July 23, 2015
The District II Powwow Committee is very proud to announce the Inaugural Gii-Ishkonigewag Powwow, which will take place at the Minisinaakwaang Powwow Grounds located four miles south of McGregor, MN on July 24–26, 2015.
The first 15 registered drums will be paid. Dancer registration will be open daily with daily payouts. The DII powwow committee will be sponsoring a youth special Friday Night, Men’s woodland Special Saturday Night, Women’s side step special and 3 man hand drum contest on Sunday.
The DII powwow committee will be sponsoring a Woodland Warrior Relay on Sunday at 9 a.m. 3 division of co-ed teams will compete in canoeing, running, and biking. Contact Michaa Aubid at 218-260-7690 or email michaa.aubid@gmail.com.