On January 12, 2021, Secretary-Treasurer Sheldon Boyd unveiled a 2020 version of the “Laws of the Non-Removable Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa Indians.” This is the first time that a comprehensive set of the Band’s laws have been published in print in approximately 15 years.
This publication will serve not only as a useful reference for Band members, but also an important historical record so that future generations will know the status of Band law in the year 2020. Although Band law is constantly changing, these changes will be reflected both online and in future hard-copy publications. The process will only be made easier by the hiring of a Mille Lacs Band Revisor of Statutes.
The Band currently has 200 paperback copies of the publication in stock, with 50 hard-cover copies still forthcoming. A digital version of the publication is available on the Legislative Branch website at http://millelacsbandlegislativebranch.com/statutes. Band members seeking a copy of the publication are encouraged to contact their District Representative’s office.