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Join Maajiigwaneyaash Dr. Gordon Jourdain on March 3 from 6 to 7 p.m. for Niibaa-Aatisooke — Sacred Teachings in Night Time Story, sponsored by Nay Ah Shing Schools-Ojibwemowin Enokiijig.
Aatisookaanan gidoonji-gikendaamin gikendaasowin, inaadiziwin, miinawaa gizhewaadiziwin. Aki, bimigingin, awesiinyang, bimaadiziwin miinawaa manidookaanag ginigawi-ayaawag dibaajimowining.
Traditions shared in story express a way of knowing, a way of being, and a way of living. The interconnectedness of people to the land, plant life, all living creatures, the mysteries of life and the spirit world come to life in oral tradition.