By Brett Larson, June 19, 2015
Nay Ah Shing Abinoojiyag held a graduation ceremony June 3 for 15 students in Bambi O’Hern’s fifth grade class. The event included an introduction by Principal Silvia Norberg, an invocation by Joe Nayquonabe Sr., speeches by Joe Nayquonabe Jr. and Suzanne Wise, grand entry and honor songs by Timber Trails, and introduction of graduates by Bambi O’Hern.
The students gave speeches in Ojibwemowin, and received their diplomas from Commissioner of Education Suzanne Wise and Principal Norberg. The proud graduates are James Bigbear, Trenton Cash, EmmaRae Gahbow, Deshania Jackson, Laila Mitchell, Talia Nadeau, Mackenzie Osborn, Justus Petite-Deegan, Kiala Ryle, Molly Saboo, Dylan Sam, Gordon Sam, Iliana Sanchez, Ashton Smith and Louis Whitman-Cram.
Molly Saboo received special recognition as valedictorian, and Mackenzie Osborn and Louis Whitman-Cram also graduated with honors.