Minnesota Tribal Resources for Early Childhood Care (MNTRECC) is planning a Positive Indian Parenting Training for Trainers March 20 and 21 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Wewinabi Early Education building.
The Minnesota Positive Indian Parenting Curriculum is designed to provide a brief, practical, culturally specific training program for parents and those engaged in providing care for American Indian children. The goal of this curriculum is to assist parents and providers in exploring the values and attitudes expressed in traditional Indian child-rearing practices and then to apply those values to modern day skills in parenting. Trainers face the dual task of presenting the basic ideas of these programs and to make these ideas relevant in the specific environments in Minnesota Ojibwe and Lakota/Dakota cultures.
The training will include:
• Positive Indian Parenting Curriculum - “Honoring Our Culture by Honoring our Traditions” developed by the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA)
• MN Positive Indian Parenting Supplement (Designed to support the NICWA Training Manual)
• Practitioner’s Guide (Tool designed to aid in presentations and provide resources)
• Practice scenarios and hands on application of the curriculum materials.
Please contact: Sandy Gehrke at 218-335-7210 or sandy.gehrke@llojibwe.org if you would like to receive an application to be considered for this training or click here to download the application.
To be selected for the PIP TOT training, trainer candidates must have an Associate Degree (or higher) in Early Childhood Education or related field or be approved as a trainer through their tribal community Local Training Advisory Committee.
Candidates must also meet one of these additional criteria outlined below:
• Be a member of a Federally Recognized Tribe or
• Be a 1st or 2nd generation descendent of an enrolled member of a Federally Recognized Tribe or
• Have 3 or more years of active experience working within American Indian Communities
Qualifications/Skill Set that will be used to approve trainer candidates to participate in the PIP TOT
• Knowledge of tribal traditions, lifestyles and cultural values
• Ability to relate to people from varied backgrounds
• Experience in public speaking
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Excellent organizational and planning skills
• Ability to travel within the state of Minnesota
MNTRECC is offering this training in partnership with the Department of Human Services (DHS) and Child Care Aware of Minnesota (CCAMN).