Participants at the Weekend Woodland Conference August 25 and 26 at Eddy's Resort and the Mille Lacs Indian Museum will learn how to find and use wild plants for traditional food and medicine.
On Saturday, August 25, a presentation with question-and-answer session featuring ethnobotonist Linda Black Elk will begin at 5 p.m. in the meeting room at Eddy’s. Chato Gonzalez will also act as an additional resource at the presentation. Carol Hernandez and Gilda Burr will talk about their experiences at the Aki Mashkiki Na Na da wi ii way wiin medicine camp. A meal will be provided at Eddy’s Resort on Mille Lacs Lake.
On Sunday, August 26, a smaller group will gather at the Mille Lacs Indian Museum for a plant walk and hands-on class, as well as a serve-yourself breakfast and lunch at the Museum.
There are limited spots available for these conference events, so registration is required. Separate registrations will be taken for each day. (In order to be able to participate in the Sunday events, it is necessary to attend the Saturday presentation.) For more information or to register, email:
This free event is funded by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health SHIP program.