Commissioner's Mask Order Extended


Commissioner's Order has the force of law on Mille Lacs Band properties

Commissioner of Health and Human Services Nicole Anderson has extended an order requiring masks in government facilities and Band-owned businesses. This Order has the force of law on Mille Lacs Band properties.
Commissioner’s Order 20-02 was signed on August 31 and will expire on November 30. The requirements of the order are as follows:

— Any individual who is over the age of two and able to medically tolerate a face covering shall be required to cover their nose and mouth with a cloth face covering or medical-grade mask when in Band government facilities and Band-owned businesses within the Band’s territorial jurisdiction.

— All government personnel entering government facilities and employees of Band-owned businesses within the Band’s territorial jurisdiction shall wear a cloth face covering or medical-grade mask when engaged in face-to-face contact with the public.

— All government personnel who enter Band member residences for the purpose of providing any public services shall wear a cloth face covering or medical-grade mask and disposable gloves.

— All government personnel who enter Band vehicles for the purpose of providing transportation services shall wear a cloth face covering or medical-grade mask when there is more than one person in the vehicle.

The new order extends Commissioner’s Order 20-01, which was signed on May 27.

Click here for the order.