Early Ed Releases Preparedness Plan in Preparation for Phase 1


Early Head Start and Head Start begin September 1; parents must re-enroll by 9 a.m. August 12.

Mille Lacs Early Education [MLEE] is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all staff and safe and healthy learning spaces for all students. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our schools, and that requires full cooperation among staff, management, and the families we serve. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of everyone involved with MLEE.

For the past 21 weeks, MLEE has been providing families with food, thousands of diapers and pull-ups, formula, baby food, toothbrushes and tooth paste, books, craft projects, educational newsletters and materials, smiles, and care. Our commitment continues to providing quality every day, in every way, to our District I, II, and III families.

At this point in time during the COVID-19 Pandemic, MLEE is offering a Phase I plan to families eligible for re-enrollment. We are NOT accepting new enrollments at this time.

Early Head Start and Head Start School will start on September 1 in all three districts. School will be from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Transportation will be provided for Head Start students in all three districts. MLEE has a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan which clearly outlines the health and safety protocols and requirements for parents, students, and staff during Phase I. This plan will be shared with families once re-enrollment is complete. Several pages from the plan are posted with this message so that parents can see the careful planning and details of how we will operate during Phase I.

Reenrollment parents MUST let MLEE know by 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 12, whether they are re-enrolling their child/children in Early Head Start or Head Start AND which option parents are choosing for Phase I. Phase I runs from September 1 to December 23, 2020. Beginning in January 2021, parents may choose to switch educational options if available. COVID-19 is and will continue to be the major factor in decisions moving forward.

The MLEE educational options are:

A. In-person learning at school, meaning that you will send your child back to their District I, II, or III school to be in a classroom with a teacher.

B. Distant learning via technology via ZOOM, Facebook, or other media platform which includes parents required to pick up food, supplies and educational materials at their local district school Distant Drive-Up service once a week.

Parents who do not contact their district school for re-enrollment by Wednesday, August 12, by 9 a.m, will be placed on a waiting list. This is a firm decision and deadline. Parents who do not respond to phone calls or emails will automatically be placed on the waiting list and may or may not be admitted to school for Phase I.

To re-enroll your child, parents must contact the following staff by 9 am on Wednesday, August 12th.
District 1: Tricia Thomas and Renee Lundeby
District 2: Gaylene Spolarich
District 3: Meghan Buhaug
renee.lundeby@ millelacsband.com
meghan.buhaug@ millelacsband.com

At this time, childcare is only available for re-enrolled students who are birth to age 5, and parents must be working or attending school to be eligible for the Phase I childcare spaces. Proof of employment or school attendance is required for childcare spaces. During Phase I, school-aged childcare will NOT be available.

We understand that there will be many questions, and it is our intention to provide the answers. We will continue to share information and look forward to providing a well-rounded educational experience for you! The next announcement will be posted on Tuesday, August 11th at 3:00 pm.