It’s been another fabulous month at Pine Grove Leadership Academy in District II. The students finished up their unit on weather by creating windsocks, and they started learning about planets. They were taught the mnemonic My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Nachos, so that they could remember the order of the planets. It coincided with National Nacho Day, and we celebrated our learning with a plate of nachos.
The students are starting to learn about Henri Matisse in art.
We will learn about his life as well as how he created art. They will be creating their own Goldfish Bowl painting, and exploring other ways to express themselves using line and color.
Will Martin went hunting this week with our culture teacher Donald White, and they got a deer. They met up with students from Lac Courte Oreilles, and spent the day enjoying each other’s company and exploring the forest around Danbury, Wisconsin. Once home, all the students participated in processing the deer and learning its anatomy.