Boating accident results in death of community member
The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe community is mourning the loss of a tribal community member due to a fatal boating accident that occurred on Wednesday evening on Mille Lacs Lake. “This is a tragic event for our community,” said Mille Lacs Band Commissioner of Natural Resources Katie Draper. “Our hearts are heavy. This is a time for our communities to come together and be respectful to those who are grieving.”
Spring Cleanup is temporarily postponed
The District I Spring Cleanup scheduled to begin April 17 has been postponed. Information will be updated as soon as a new start date has been confirmed. The Public Works Department apologizes for any inconvenience.
Zakab Biinjina — Supportive housing comes to all districts
In coming months, supportive transitional housing opportunities will be open to Band members in Districts I, II, IIa, and III, thanks to a partnership between Aanjibimaadizing and the Housing Department. The Zakab Biinjina ("peace within") project is an expansion of the program begun on the Okwemin Loop in District I by the former Wraparound program. The current plan is for 20 units in District I, two in District II, four in Wahkon (serving District IIa). and 12 in Hinckley (District III). See
Tribal economy chosen for broadband program; survey participants entered in drawing for iPad
On March 11, 2021, the Blandin Foundation announced that the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy (MLTE) had been selected to participate in the Community Broadband Resources (CBR): Accelerate Program. The program will provide a 15-week course of study and education about broadband for a community team. The project includes a community survey to obtain real-time data. We ask that you take this survey from your home as the desire is to collect data for residential users. Survey participants can enter into a drawing for an iPad! The Survey can be found here: For more information, see
District I members join "pop-up" ziigwan celebration
Representative Virgil Wind invited Band members to an impromptu spring celebration on Wednesday, April 14. There was dancing, singing, and good food — with social distance and mask protocols in effect. Watch Representative Wind's video at
Reach out if you need help
Nicole Anderson, Commissioner of Health & Human Services, encourages Band members to reach out to HHS if you or someone you know is in need of support. Mental health support services: 320-674-4385 or 320-532-7771. Nurse Line: 320-630-0855. Clinic: 320-532-4163
Circle of Health and MnSURE outreach coming to all districts in May

Mark your calendar: Mille Lacs Traditional powwow will be back in August!

Reminder: Apply now for COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance
Aanjibimaadizing is grateful to be able to offer COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA). CERA is federal funding for current and past due rent and related utilities. Mortgage payments and home owner utility payments are NOT eligible for this funding. To qualify you must be a Minnesota resident; currently owe, or be behind, in rent or rental utility payments from 3/13/2020 or after; and have outstanding related expense(s) due to unemployment, illness, or another issue as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications can be made online at For more information, see
April is Sexual Violence Awareness Month
Sexual assault can happen to anyone; however, in Indigenous communities in the U.S., more than half of American Indian and Alaska Native women (56.1 percent) have experienced sexual violence in their lives and the vast majority (96 percent) are victimized by a non-Native perpetrator. In recognition of Awareness Month, we are sharing an article by StrongHearts Native Helpline titled "Six common tactics of sexual coercion." Please read and share:
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 — Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Chief Executive Melanie Benjamin provided a COVID-19 update for Band members and gave a brief update on current events with the addition of a couple of shout outs! See
Casino celebrates 30th birthday
Grand Casino Mille Lacs turned 30 on April 5. The date was celebrated by Band member Alyssa Enno in the April Inaajimowin — along with a story from the archives about the casino's early days. See
HHS shares recommendations for fully vaccinated people
The Public Health Department shared a message April 7 regarding vaccinations, including current CDC recommendations for fully vaccinated people. For details, see
Public Health seeks survey participants
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Public Health is asking Band members to participate in a quick survey to find out more about your COVID-19 vaccination needs and expectations. Your feedback is important. This survey should take less than two minutes. Miigwech for your time.
Graduation photos needed!
Are you or is someone in your family a 2021 graduate of high school, college, or graduate school? If so, we want to share your accomplishment with other Band members! Send a photo to, along with name, school, degree, awards, activities, interests, and future plans. Graduates — Band members, descendants, and community members of other tribes — will be honored in the June issue of Ojibwe Inaajimowin and at
Click here for last week's News Roundup.
Click here for Band Assembly updates and other Legislative Branch news.
The April issue of Ojibwe Inaajimowin is now available for download at You can also find stories from the current and previous newsletters at, including:
— Ge-Niiganizijig Fitness Club makes fitness fun for everyone
— Iskigamizige — A tradition in the making
— Hypnosis event is well received
— Attorney is first revisor of statutes
— The Mille Lacs Band's Legislative process
You can also find links to stories from around Indian Country at Among this week's headlines:
— Minnesotan Dr. Charles Eastman Ohiyesa was a reservation doctor at Pine Ridge during Wounded Knee Massacre.
— Return the National Parks to the tribes — David Treuer
— Why burial recovery efforts have resumed along Mission Creek
— Red Lake seeks water standard authority from EPA
— 'Our hearts are heavy' — COVID-19 deaths of tribal elders leave a void
— Statue of treaty rights activist headed for U.S. Capitol
Check out the new job postings at
You can request information about jobs by emailing or calling 320-532-7460. To apply for a job, please submit an application, cover letter, and resume to the HR email by the closing date.
For openings at Grand Casino Mille Lacs and Hinckley properties or Eddy’s Resort, visit: For openings with Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures, visit For openings at Grindstone Laundry or Crossroads Convenience Store, email or call 320-384-4722. Applications are also available at the main receptionist desk of the Corporate Commission building at 700 Grand Avenue, adjacent to the Grand Casino Mille Lacs Events and Convention Center.
District I Representative available to meet with urban members April 19

Kindergarten Roundup is April 21 at Nay Ah Shing

Ceremonial Dance Dates

Men's Empowerment Group
Men's Empowerment Group - M.E.G. — meets on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at the old District 1 Community Center across from the Grand Casino Mille Lacs.
Women's Healing Group
The Women's Healing Group meets on Tuesdays at 5:30 the old District I Community Center across from Grand Casino Mille Lacs.
Recovery group meetings
Most recovery meetings are held via Zoom conference during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Monday night Migizi meeting ID is 856 8473 0121, and the password is 56359. The Wednesday night Red Brick meeting ID is 895 631 97923, and the password is 56359. The Thursday Wellbriety meeting ID is 966 0395 9591, and the passcode is 944772. The nightly Zooming Towards Recovery code is 601-532-2869, and the password is zoom800. ”The Rez” NA meeting meets in person (with social distancing and masks required) on Fridays at 6 p.m. at the old Ne-Ia-Shing Clinic, 43500 Migizi Drive. Meetings for Urban Band members in recovery are held on Zoom Tuesdays at 7 p.m. (Sa Miikana) and Fridays at 6:30 (On the RedRoad). ID: 214 608 6245. Password: Redroad.
Come to 'The Rez' for recovery support

Traditional medicine clinic April 29-30

Scroll down for more reminders and flyers you might have missed this week!

The Government Affairs Department, which is in charge of communications with Band members, maintains a list of email addresses so we can send news summaries and breaking news updates to Band members. To sign up, go to