Story and photos by Makadegwanebiikwe Mikayla Schaaf
Band members of all ages attended the Winter Storytelling Event at the Mille Lacs Indian Museum December 20. It was a fun-filled night of stories about asemaa (traditional tobacco) and the protocols around respecting the use of tobacco. Invitees and honorable guests included Migizi Sullivan (LCO) and Terry Kemper (Mille Lacs Band). Onamia youth helped facilitate the event and performed an improvisational skit to kick off the eventing. Timber Trails singers provided the song for the event, which concluded with dinner and a raffle.
This event was sponsored by the Tobacco Prevention Grant through the Minnesota Department of Health and Mille Lacs Band Health and Human Services. Collaborating partners in- cluded Minnesota Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP), Clearway, and Mille Lacs Area Partners for Prevention (MAPP).