It has been another exciting and fun month at Pine Grove. Sept. 27 was safety day, and we were lucky to have visitors from many different area first responders. The first visitor, who was a huge hit, was Smokey the Bear and the Mille Lacs Band Department of Natural Resources. After they were here, Pine Ambulance department brought out one of their rigs for the students to explore and get acquainted with the ambulance crew. After lunch, East Central Energy came and showed us the dangers of live power lines using a model that had almost 3,000 volts of electricity in it. The students learned how to duck walk out of a car that has live power lines on it.
In science we started a unit on weather. We have been doing labs almost every day. The labs include making rain gauges, barometers, testing whether air has weight, used water to demonstrate what a weather front looks like and will continue with wind socks and eventually each student will be Meteorologists and film their own weather reports on their chrome books. During our rain gauge lab, our principal, Lehtitia Weiss, and Commissioner of Education Rick St. Germaine got in on the lab fun. Rick was also able to join the students during our reading buddy program.
We were lucky enough to be the recipients of 180 books from the Children’s Literature Collections from the University of Minnesota. The books will be leveled by staff and added to our library. Each student will also be writing a thank you to Lisa Von Drake, the curator of the collection.