On Saturday, July 28, Mille Lacs Band members and friends will rumble and roll through all three reservation districts as they take part in the first-ever Anishinaabe Values Awareness Motorcycle Ride.
The purpose of the ride is to bring awareness to the Seven Values: wisdom, truth, bravery, honesty, humility, respect, and love.
To register or volunteer to help, visit anishinaaberun.org.
Riders and passengers can also register and join the ride at one of three registration points. The registration fee for rider and passenger will be a non-perishable item, such as a pair of kids' sandals, a backpack, etc. All items will be donated to charity.
At each registration point, riders will hear and speak about the Seven Values.
From 9 to 10:30 a.m., riders and passengers can register at the Mille Lacs Band Community Center in District I. A community brunch will be provided by District I Representative Sandi Blake and her staff. A prayer will be said and asemaa presented before riders depart. Asemaa will be provided by the Mille Lacs Band Public Health Department. Details of other activities at registration point will be added as they develop.
From 10:30 to 12:30 p.m., riders will head off to the second registration point: Aazhoomog Community Center at 45749 Grace Lake Road, Sandstone. Registration time will be 12:30– 1:30 p.m. Community Development and Commissioner Percy Benjamin will provide a community luncheon during this stop.
From 1:30 to 2 p.m., riders will proceed to the new Meshakwad Community Center in Hinckley — the third registration point. Events will be shared as they become available. Registration will take place from 2–3:30 p.m.
From 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., riders will head to their final destination: the Gii-Ishkonigewag Powwow at the Minisinaakwaang powwow grounds just north of the East Lake Community Cen- ter at 36666 State Highway 65, McGregor. Riders will share in a community feast, enjoy the powwow, and speak about the purpose of their ride.
More activities at each registration point may be added.
This event is an alcohol- and drug-free event with designat- ed smoking areas at each registration site. Please use commer- cial tobacco in designated areas only!
Organizers are inviting anyone who rides to participate — not just Mille Lacs Band members, not just Natives, and not just Harley riders! This is an opportunity for non-Natives to broaden their multicultural awareness and learn about Mille Lacs Band communities, and it is an opportunity for all riders to reflect on values that are present in their cultures.
All riders/passengers who register, as well as volunteers, will receive a patch of the logo.