For the first time, the Mille Lacs Band and Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures (MLCV) partnered with Mille Lacs area neighbors on National Night Out. About 200 people gathered in the parking lot at Eddy’s Resort on August 7 for a picnic supper, kids’ inflatables, and insider tours of public safety vehicles.
“This event is one way we can bridge local communities,” said Mikayla Schaaf, chairperson of the Mille Lacs Area Part- ners for Prevention (MAPP), the coalition that led organizing and implementing the event. “In the past we’ve had separate events. This year it’s nice to celebrate together.”
In addition to the Band, MLCV, and MAPP, event sponsors included Mille Lacs County Sheriff’s Department, Mille Lacs Health Foundation, Onamia Police Department, Onamia Fire Department, and Onamia Public Schools. Band departments with a strong presence at the event included Tribal Police, Nat- ural Resources, Government Affairs, Niigaan Youth Program, Public Health, Wild Land Firefighters, and the District I Repre- sentative’s office.
“National Night Out is an event for the entire community. It’s all about partnerships,” said Billie Jo Boyd, one of the event’s planners.
Miigwech to all the attendees! Special thanks go to MAPP co-chair Semira Kimpson, Niigaan Director Byron Ninham, Cyndi Rudolph and Brian Miner from Onamia Schools, and the many other volunteers.