This September, National Preparedness Month (NPM) focuses on planning, with an overarching theme “Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You Can.”
We should all take action to prepare! We are all able to help first responders in our community by training how to respond during an emergency and what to do when disaster strikes — where we live, work, and visit. The goal of NPM is to increase the overall number of individuals, families, and communities that engage in preparedness actions at home, work, business, school, and place of worship.
The theme of Week 3 is Practice and Build Out Your Plans. Here are some tips and resources:
— Complete an Emergency Financial First Aid Kit [EFFAK]
— Maintain emergency savings for use in case of an emergency
— Participate in an emergency drill
— Know how to access community resources (e.g., shelters, food banks)
More tips:
— Maintain emergency savings in case of a disasters. #PlanAhead #NatlPrep
— Do you know how to access community resources where you live? Search online today. #NatlPrep
— Make digital copies of important documents and save them on the cloud or a secure cell phone app in case disaster strikes. #PlanAhead #NatlPrep
— Have at least a one-week supply of medications. #NatlPrep
— Download the FEMA app for disaster resources, weather alerts, and safety tips
— Sign up for monthly preparedness text messages: Text PREPARE to 43362 (4FEMA) to receive monthly preparedness tips. (msg/data rates apply)
Helpful links:
What important docs should you have in your emergency kit? The Emergency Financial First Aid Kit explains them all: https://go.usa.gov/xNhp6 #NatlPrep
How will you pay your bills if a disaster strikes? Disasters don’t plan ahead, you can: www.ready.gov/financial-preparedness #NatlPrep
Flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period before they go into effect. Plan now for floods www.floodsmart.gov #PlanAhead #NatlPrep