Band Assembly shares final version of Title 25 for public review


The Mille Lacs Band Assembly has posted the final version of Title 25, The Revisor of Statutes Code.

According to the bill, "The Revisor of Statutes Code will grant the Revisor the authority to establish an independent Revisor’s Office to ensure the annual compilation, updating, and publication of Band laws and official acts; to provide confidential drafting services of proposed legislation and policy revisions to District Representatives; and to establish a Tribal Register for the publication of Band statutes and policies, Executive Orders, Secretarial Orders, Commissioner’s Orders, Legislative Orders, Chief Justice Orders, Solicitor’s Opinions, and other official notices. "

A formal public hearing was held on Thursday, November 12. According to Band law, the Bill needs to be posted for 10 days prior to a Band Assembly vote.

Revisor of Statutes Bill – Word version
Revisor of Statutes Bill – PDF version